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KCD tools

Knowledge and Capacity Development Tools

Topics under this theme should include, but are not limited to, life-long learning, key competences, digital tools, and artificial intelligence (tools and solutions).

KCD for SDGs

Knowledge and Capacity Development for Sustainable Development Goals

This track focuses on SDG6 and related goals including their interlinkages, barriers and enablers, talent retention challenges and incentives, issues and options to accelerate progress, case studies on capacity development initiatives, partnerships and learning alliances, all with focus on assessing and bridging the capacity gap in the Global South.

KCD and inclusivity

Knowledge and Capacity Development for Diversity and Inclusivity

The suggested topics should focus on inclusive learning, pluralizing knowledge, queering hierarchies and expertise, and impact of capacity development.

KCD partnerships

Knowledge and Capacity Development for Water Policy, Partnerships & Collective Action

This track focuses on water policy, partnerships and collective action for sustainable water governance and management, with a specific attention to water-related planned interventions (e.g. water policies, regional water and land use planning, societal and grassroots water initiatives, and existing and/or new water utilities, organizations and partnerships), their societal impacts, and the lessons to be learned for sustainability transformation.